Thursday, April 10, 2008


actualy today is a last class for all subject.....i'm really-really happy about that.....hehehe....
for the last subject today is bel260.....
for this class i really2 disapointed.....i'm not disapointed about this subject but about me.....huhuhu....i cannot improve my english...i try but fail....
The assesment i really2 fail is speaking....i really2 pressure about that....
The problem was influence the another assesment such as my listening and writing.....i lose my confident and i always scared to come this class....i shy to another friends because there are good in english especially Wan.
He really2 good about this subject, sometimes i jealous with him....he not just good about this subject but all subject....
He always support and help me about english especially speaking....thankz Wan...=)...thankz for being my friend.....=) and all my friend thank you too k.....
However life must be go on....i wiil try hard to improve my english....aza...aza...fighting....=)
Okay thats all...later we see again k....daaaaaa.......bye...........=)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My special lyrics..=)

huhuhu....i know u miss me....right???
okay today we learn to creat lyrics for your techer??? huhuhu...sorry madam...Actually the last week i learn to create the 10 songs about my self and dreams...For today i create my own lyrics...actually the lyrics not my hitz song...i just choose in my 10 song...huhuhu...
So now i preseanT My owN Lyrics...........

MoRe liKe the SunshiNe,
AlwAys ShiNe...
LikE me....

My stuNninG sMilE,
cAn mAke otHerS mElty,
CaN maKe othErS fAlling iN loVe wIth me,
iS onLy beCauSE a smilE....=)

The twiNklinG EyEs caNnot bit witH mY seDuCe sMiLe,
mY smiLe cAn MakE oThers WondER wiTh a SupErlipS,
Is onLy aBouT SmilE...=)

Friday, January 11, 2008


meet u again...happy see me??? huhuhu...actualy in my class bel260 i learn to speaking in english...hehehe...actually i cannot speak very well in i look scared...at09/01/2008 madam shima teach all student imagine we launch new the album have 10 song...the first 5 song about yourself and the another 5 song about hopes and dream...The title for my Cd is "Who Knows Me???"...Why i put my title like that coz acctualy no one know me in Cd everyone can know me...=)..The first song i put name scared...why i put like that coz i really2 scared for subject english..i dont know why maybe i cannot know very well english...second song is smile...=)...maybe i like smile...the other 3 song is alone,be yourself and arrogant but NOT!!!...
For alone...i just want say i'm single now...coz like that i do my title like that...i waiting my true love...huhuhu...=)...For title be yourself actualy i be my self...not pretend...and for arrogant but NOT!!!... actualy i'm not arrogant...Many people says i arrogant but not actualy...maybe my face...For title arrrogant but NOT!!! i put for my hitz song...For another 5 songs the title is Great On Time,Study Make Perfect,My Happiness,Success In My Life and the last is Get A Great Job For My Life...For the first song i took like that coz i want great on time for my study...i dont want to wasted my time to do the same things to the next song is related for the song...The next song is Study Make Perfect...if i study very hard i can great on time...Insyaallah...=)...For My's secret...huhuhu...and the another 2 song about my success and a great job for my life...i know maybe when you all read my blog you all can know why i put this title(get success and a great job in my life)...and the same time you all can know my secret...=)...Maybe just that about this...tataaa.....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Just know...

nway i really upset today coz to create the blog like do the crazy thing...i think my email is done coz i check yesterday...but today this blog want at least 8 number 4 pin but my pin just have 6 i must create the new like the crazy human...the connection very about this i come to my partner stress coz sit behind me...=p...sorry k...n the lasthing happened today to me is i feel not very well coz maybe no cannot waste the water...hahaha...maybe just all...