Thursday, March 12, 2009

My new album will be launch in this end of March. This album consist 10 songs and have diverse genre in my song such as jazz, pop and so on.

This all my list 10 song:

  1. Uncontrolled
  2. Perfect Life
  3. Mr. Right
  4. Lucky + Failure
  5. Successful Person
  6. This Is Me
  7. Beautiful
  8. Cry
  9. Baby
  10. Laksa

Below is the description about all of this song:

  • Uncontrolled
    This song will describe more about lost to control our self from sins, difficult to be good daughter and hard to be good sister and friend.

  • Perfected Life
    Be sure this song describes more to success life. It’s show about a life full with happy family with love.

  • Mr. Right
    These songs describe my dreams boy. It’s will be educated and have guarantee for our future. He should be Muslim and can bring me and our future children in a right way. This song will show all about it.

  • Lucky + Failure
    This song show about what I got and what I loss. I get many friends and love from them but I loss one of one my family. This songs show how I feels and until I can’t feel anything.

  • Succesful Person
    It’s should be describe success in life and there. It will be what I do I hope all happened in success.

  • This Is Me
    This title shows what the meanings all my song lyric. I be my self not hypocrite (to be another person). What bad my self it was me. I accept it at all.

  • Beautiful
    I love beautiful but not just external but internal too. Its have show by the lyric’s in this title.

  • Cry
    Sensitive person and easy crying just a small matter. It was shows in this song.

  • Baby
    This song describe all about I was loving person especially to baby, surprise and what I would should love. =)

  • Laksa
    I think when you all read this title it will show I don’t have idea to put what I should put for my title. This song will describe about my favourite foods. =)