huhuhu....i know u miss me....right???
okay today we learn to creat lyrics for your song...Eyh...like techer??? huhuhu...sorry madam...Actually the last week i learn to create the 10 songs about my self and dreams...For today i create my own lyrics...actually the lyrics not my hitz song...i just choose in my 10 song...huhuhu...
So now i preseanT My owN Lyrics...........
MoRe liKe the SunshiNe,
AlwAys ShiNe...
LikE me....
My stuNninG sMilE,
cAn mAke otHerS mElty,
CaN maKe othErS fAlling iN loVe wIth me,
iS onLy beCauSE a smilE....=)
The twiNklinG EyEs caNnot bit witH mY seDuCe sMiLe,
mY smiLe cAn MakE oThers WondER wiTh a SupErlipS,
Is onLy aBouT SmilE...=)
Terukir di bintang...
13 years ago